Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nation of Whiners

I have been reflecting on the comment made by Phil Gramm that we are a nation of whiners. Normally I have a knee jerk reaction and decide whether or not I agree with something right off the bat. I am proud of myself that I thought this through. Is he right? After paying close attention to the world around me the past few weeks I've decided he is right! Stop and pay attention to the people around you. We are whining about everything. When I did this experiment I was stunned! Not only are other people relentlessly whining, but I am as well! I guess we all feel entitled and when things go wrong if we just whine enough people will give in and give us what we want. I saw a woman at the grocery store who whined and complained after a sale had ended several days earlier and she still wanted the sale price! She got it! We are entitled and we deserve it and we'll whine until we get it!


princess jen said...

Alan and I are trying hard to support each other in our quest to stop complaining. Wish us luck!! (And I can't wait to read your next post!!!!!)

Alan J said...

On the one hand i have to agree, but on the other hand... To blatantly frown on all complaining seems a little counterproductive. i mean think about it, how can you really differentiate complaining from constructive criticism; i mean realistically, what's the difference? The only difference i can find in the ole dictionary (online, of course) is the addition of the words polite and helpful when offering “suggestions.” Whereas complaining terms “suggestions” as the expression of complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; but why would I need to offer a suggestion if I wasn’t unhappy with the current conditions in the first place? So why do I take issue with this whole topic anyway? I’m the type of person who feels that if I pay money for a product or service that I should get what I paid for. If I don’t feel I got what I paid for, then I’ll occasionally call or even write a letter. Some people think that expressing this dissatisfaction with businesses as complaining, but in a more negative fashion. But I’m of the opinion that if no one ever expressed dissatisfaction with service or products then customer satisfaction and service here in the US would progressively decline to the level that it is in other countries (I’ve been to a few, and trust me, we don’t want that). Anyway, no one ever actually said anything about “complaining” but I felt it was important to draw a line. As a matter of fact, I think people should maybe complain a little more. ‘Cause seriously, does no one else see the rapidly declining quality of customer service here? But here’s what I think the important difference is: we shouldn’t “whine” more. So what’s the difference? Well, the (online) dictionary (again), differentiates thus: it’s still complaining (or protesting), but in a childish manner or about trivial things. And there’s the kicker, it shouldn’t be childish or about trivial things. Granted, are store/business matters maybe trivial? (Hey wait, who’s side are you on, geesh!) Ah, I don’t know! I’ve resolved to try and complain less (usually about work), because it stresses me out, etc. So when something bothers me now I should just try to let it pass, right? But I wonder if that really helps, does it? If no one ever complains, or voices dissatisfaction with the status quo then the status quo will never change and things will never improve, right? Anyone else have any ideas? Oh, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of whining (ask Anya). I guess we just need to define trivial and the childish manner.

conservativechick said...

Wow Alan that was fierce! I think you have completley missed the point, and I say that with love. An actual grievance with say customer serivce is not whining or complaining. Right is right. It is when we feel entitled and whine until we get our way that is so frustrating about our society. To me there is a huge difference between what you are talking about and what I saw at the grocery store. I totally stand by the idea that we are a people who whine and I have come to the conclusion that it is because we feel so entitled!

Alan J said...

Like i said, don't get me wrong, i can't stand whining or whiners. And although i tried to differentiate between the two (complaining and whining) i think a lot of people don't. All complaining is seen as whining or all whining is seen as complaining. For instance, i could totally see myself going to the store and looking for a sale item, upon finding out the sale had just barely ended or the item was no longer in stock, i too would possibly head over to customer service or the nearest manager to plead my case. By no means would it come across as whining, at least not to me. My tone would remain respectful and it would not be done in a childish manner, but is it still trivial? Quite probably yes. But who gets to decide? In the long run, what's not trivial? Do i feel entitled? I don't think so, but on the other hand maybe i do. i feel entitled to good service and value for time and money. But my attitude is more one of it doesn't hurt to try. Maybe i feel entitles to the best that i can get, and so it never hurts to try. i don't know. But had you seen me over there in the grocery store pleading my case (in a non-whiney way), wouldn't you have still thought i was whining? I tell people to stop whining all the time when in reality they're just complaining, but sometimes it's just as annoying. I'm not so much objecting to your view as trying to find a clearer view. It's easy, and somewhat lazy (radio personalities are great at that kind of crap), to say "we are a nation of whiners," but it's more difficult to differentiate between good and bad complaining. Or you (and Jen and just about everyone else) could be right and i'm still totally missing the point. btw, i don't mean to come across as fierce, sorry.