Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Secret Life of Bees

I just finished reading this amazing book called The Secret Life of Bees. It touched me deeply as it explored a girl searching for remnants of her mother's life in Civil Rights Amendment-era South Carolina.

After I finished the book, my brain kept thinking... Lily Owens fell in love with a black boy, an absolutely terrible thing to do in that time period. And I started to wonder what the difference between interracial relationships pre-Civil Rights and homosexual relationships now? Both have been/are villified. The only real difference I can see is that one can naturally produce children and the other cannot. Should this be a basis for discrimination? There are many, many heterosexual couples who also cannot naturally produce children. Should they be villified as well?

I know this is a hot-button issue, especially in the LDS community. What is your opinion?

Introducing Myself

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Unattended Children

Here's the question: Have you ever left your child unattended in a vehicle for any length of time?

I have. I've left kids in the car while I run inside to pick up/drop off Anya. I've left them (with Anya/PJ "supervising") while I ran into the post office or into a friend's home. I never leave the vehicle unlocked. I take the keys with me. I'm not gone longer than 5 minutes. Could something happen in those 5 minutes? I'm sure something could. I guess I "play the odds." I don't think this makes me a bad parent. And I don't think I should go to jail, like this mom.

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Introducing Taylor

hmmm, or maybe I should use some tricksy screen name so that nobody will know who to blame for all my strong opinions???? Anyway, on to the introduction!

Introducing myself is always a little strange for me. Mostly because the way I see myself and the way I really am are not the same thing and I am never sure which way to go when giving an introduction. So perhaps I should begin by saying that I pride myself on being an intellectual (it is important to note that "priding oneself" and actually being are two different things). And that I consider myself to be an objectivist Mormon (if you know anything about either, you will understand how being both gives rise to a lot of internal conflict). I also am a behavior analyst (phooey on mentalism!) and the Stay-at-Home Parent of a mostly delightful 7 month old daughter.

My interest are rather broad: ranging from rock climbing to reading to rocketry (check out my alliteration!). I also am addicted to Wil Wheaton's Celebrity Blog (Wesley Crusher from Star Trek) which proves my eternal geekiness. I scrapbook and journal just enough to feel like I am documenting my daughters life and I am OBSESSED with making sticker charts to monitor my goal progress.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

princess jen

Hello all! Since I started all this, I'll be first to introduce myself. First and foremost, I'm a woman. I know that's a strange way to start, but I want to have my own identity. I have been married for eight years and I have two children, a five year old girl and a 16 month old boy. I work at home tending a good friend's two children (a six year old and a 16 month old, both boys). I'm grateful every day for the opportunity to stay home with my children but some days are still overwhelming.

I love to read. I like to scrapbook. I like to blog. I have lots of acquaintance friends and several soulmate friends (most of whom live far from me!). I like learning new things. I struggle with my spirituality.

I want to be a better person.