Sunday, July 27, 2008


I talked to Jen today and decided to amend my post. Sometimes I worry that I am way too opinionated for blogging! Crazy I know! Yes we are a nation of whiners but I failed to lay out why I think we are that way. this may get me in trouble! We are a nation of people who feel entitled to everything. I think that is why we whine. Now why do we feel entitled. I lay that at the feet of two groups of people. Liberals and feminists. Now first , did you expect something different from a conservative chick. Second, hear me out. The thing that drives me most crazy about liberals is that they love big government. The more free stuff we can promise the better. Whether it is assistance for that or free this, liberals will give it to you. Universal health care anyone! This has left us feeling entitled. Heaven forbid you have to work for something. This presidential election is a perfect example. Obama has no experience has horrendous judgement only talks about hope and change and will probably win in a landslide. Why? because he has promised free stuff, and we feel entitled to it just by our existence! Feminists feel like women should have anything and everything just for being born a woman! N.O.W. thought Hillary should be president just because she was a woman.Did you read some of their comments. Amazing! She was entitled darn it! Have you listened to Obama's wife lately. She believes her husband is entitled to the presidency, the presidency! By his latest trip overseas you can tell he feels the same.We aren't entitled people. We have to work and struggle and fight to get our way through this life. We don't get free stuff just for being born! I think the generation after me is the worst! They have been raised in this liberal/feminist world and it shows. Have you talked to a teenager lately! I mean seriously. work, what! Why, the government will give it to me.


princess jen said...

I'm so glad you amended and added on. This post shows me why it is I like you so darn much!!! It is so refreshing to read this. Although I don't know that I would completely blame everything on liberals and feminists. I mean, I don't want to blame myself after all! But I appreciate your candor and I love your strong opinions.

Alan J said...

While on the one hand i agree with some of your statements here (Hillary should be president 'cause she's a woman, Obama 'cause he's black, they should be judged differently because of how they or their class has been treated by someone other than me, etc.). I do have to say that to blame it all on feminists and liberals is a little overreaching. And while i'm sure you didn't intend to say it is ALL or ONLY their fauly i'll add anyway. I think conservatives (ie. republicans) are just as much to blame. Liberals tend to think that everything should be free to everyone usually at the cost of people who have to people who have not. And so while liberals may be inclinded to think everyone is entitled to everything (except the wealthy) Conservatives think that the only certain people are entitled to everything, namely, big businesses and the wealthy. They're really no different. In place of big government they choose big business and instead of the poor they choose the wealthy. i always have to laugh at my co-workers when they start talking politics and how their party is the best. Hate to break it to you, but both parties suck. Both are dishonest and unethical - to the extreme! And i would hate to have the label of either!