Sunday, June 1, 2008


It has taken a lot of nerve to start blogging here. I promised Jen I would, so here we go. I feel my point of view might be a bit different than a few of you. I consider myself a very strong woman. I love strong women. I am a very conservative minded strong woman. Much of the modern feminist movement sends me over the edge. I feel we as women are abandoning the very things that make us women. That truly saddens me. My mother is a strong woman. I have learned much from her. What I want to be and what I don't want to be. She unknowingly has shaped so many aspects of my life. I think of the influence my mother has had on me and I see other women with their children and I think that is where true strength is. I am dismayed that in our society being rebellious and going against the grain is what determines strength. I'm telling you next time I see that bumper sticker that says well-behaved women rarely make history I'm going to hit the car that has it! I think that philosophy sucks! Rebelling just to rebel isn't noble it's stupid. Like I said maybe a bit different than others on this site. I look forward to a long and rewarding blogging experience. This is my first. Every blog needs a really conservative chick's point of view.


Taylor said...

No worries. All are welcome on this blog. including conservative chicks. I am glad you posted. However, I can't agree with your take on the saying that "well-behaved" women rarely make history." I don't think that philosphy has anything to do with rebelling for the sake of rebelling. It is just a reminder that you do not have to live up to other people's expectations of you. In fact, in my life, choosing to stay home with my daughter has felt like "misbehaving". so that saying is a good reminder to me that it is okay to "misbehave" and make my own history.

princess jen said...

FINALLY!! I'm so excited you are posting and I can't wait to read more and have great discussions with you.
I like to rebel sometimes just for the sake of rebellion. There are some days I just have to wear my two pairs of earrings (Alan always laughs when he sees it!). I think Taylor has a good point too. When I joined the church, I think my parents might have seen it as an act of defiance or perhaps done because I liked a certain boy at the time. But I had to "misbehave" and not obey my parents' wishes in regard to my religious choices and in that way make my own history.
And, trust me, you will definitely not be the only conservative one! All of my SILs are right there with you!!

Alan J said...

Well-behaved people in general never make history. Just like only bad news makes for popular news. And i'd much rather be a rebel of today's society gets to define "well-behaved". And i'd have to say you're a rebel too. Good job.

conservativechick said...

Me a rebel! I will agree that I rebel against the society we live in now. I just feel like we as women are selling out on the very things that make us women. What is so bad about living within the lines? Do I have to make history? Can I not influence history by the quiet life I lead. My profession is one in which all I do is serve others. Is not that making history? Do I have to be a Hillary Clinton type to make history? Just my thoughts. By reading these comments I think the real topic should be why we as women are so hard on ourselves.

princess jen said...

Of course you don't have to make history in the large sense of the world. You can make history quietly or within the realms of your family or in a mutitude of other ways.
But you also don't have to be a Hillary Clinton type to make history in a big way either. There are many women who have made history in other ways. However, they were sometimes termed "misbehaved" as they broke through stereotypes to achieve their goals. People like Sandra Day O'Connor. I hope for more women in history books who are unafraid to make waves and comfortable enough to not rock the boat if they don't want to.